Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Oh that child of mine... I fear he's got the daredevil gene in him and it is going to scare me to death. He's usually pretty fearless when it comes to just about everything. Today Colin and I went to Yabadoo, a big indoor playground, to meet up with some friends. Inside they have this giant tower thing the kids can climb up and slide down. The plastic is on a pretty steep angle and it is impossible to climb without some kind of grippy socks on. Shelby and I have both tried before, I never could make it to the top and Shelby did only with a running start and because of his long arms that let him grab the top and hang on when he got close. Well my little monkey scaled that thing with ease today. He climbed right on up and then ran around the platform at the top waving to me and everyone else. Then he watched a couple kids hop off backwards on their bellies and slide down and he did the exact same thing. Just as carefree as you please he let go of the rail and jumped off the top of a 20+ foot plastic mountain.
Going up...almost there!

I made it Mom!
Going up...almost there!
I made it Mom!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Package From Daddy
Colin and I got mail today from Shelby. The day Shelby left for Iraq Colin snagged his hat and didn't want to give it up. So when Shelby got settled in at his new temporary home and had time to do some shopping, he picked up a Colin sized version of the hat and mailed it to us. Colin was very excited to get a package and when I told him it was a present from Daddy he was over the moon. Here are some pics of Colin opening his present and showing off his new hat.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Daily Chatter
Most of the conversation between Colin and I consists of gentle reminders, followed by threats, then counting, that is countered by shrieks of protest, and last the finale of wails when warnings gone unheeded call the time out chair into play. My favorite conversations are the ones that don't involve a battle of wills. The ones where Colin spouts off something totally hysterical or heartwarming and I try not to embarrass (or sometimes encourage) him by laughing. Today there were a few good comments I thought I would share.
First one was this morning as I changed Colin's clothes. I was getting him dressed and I always put his socks on first and then his feet into his pant legs. Then I have him stand up and hug me so I can pull his pants up and zip or snap them. This morning he stood up and wrapped his arms around me and said "I luuuuuuv you!" I always tell him I love him when I hug him back after his pants are on, today he beat me to it. Couldn't have been cuter!
The next funny was this afternoon after he woke up from nap. I was vacuuming the carpet upstairs and he came into my room and ripped the vacuum cleaner hose from my hand and insisted I let him sweep. Then as I stood there watching him he demanded I go rest by shouting at me "Mommy go sit down. Now!" and pointed to the recliner chair in my room. So I went and sat down but that wasn't good enough, he came over and made the foot rest come up so that I was truly relaxing while he worked. Man I better enjoy this while it lasts, in another couple of years he won't want anything to do with a vacuum cleaner.
Finally this evening I was changing his diaper and he was laying on the changing table and he says to me all serious "shhhh Mommy, listen." So I stop changing and listen and then "phfffffffffft!" He farted and got a big smile on his face and says "Mommy hear poo poo?" Yes Colin, I heard, thank you for that you silly boy.
First one was this morning as I changed Colin's clothes. I was getting him dressed and I always put his socks on first and then his feet into his pant legs. Then I have him stand up and hug me so I can pull his pants up and zip or snap them. This morning he stood up and wrapped his arms around me and said "I luuuuuuv you!" I always tell him I love him when I hug him back after his pants are on, today he beat me to it. Couldn't have been cuter!
The next funny was this afternoon after he woke up from nap. I was vacuuming the carpet upstairs and he came into my room and ripped the vacuum cleaner hose from my hand and insisted I let him sweep. Then as I stood there watching him he demanded I go rest by shouting at me "Mommy go sit down. Now!" and pointed to the recliner chair in my room. So I went and sat down but that wasn't good enough, he came over and made the foot rest come up so that I was truly relaxing while he worked. Man I better enjoy this while it lasts, in another couple of years he won't want anything to do with a vacuum cleaner.
Finally this evening I was changing his diaper and he was laying on the changing table and he says to me all serious "shhhh Mommy, listen." So I stop changing and listen and then "phfffffffffft!" He farted and got a big smile on his face and says "Mommy hear poo poo?" Yes Colin, I heard, thank you for that you silly boy.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Spring Tease
The weather so far this winter has been pretty wild. Last year we had a record breaking winter with low temps and snowfall amounts and everyone assured us it was an unusual winter for Germany. This year December started off pretty cold and then the snow started. We had more snow in just last month than we did probably all winter long last year! While I very much enjoy the beauty of the snow, I am not so much a fan of shoveling it at 5am or finding a car wash and waiting in line to clean all the salt and junk off my car. I've said all along it can snow all it wants to up until Shelby leaves and after that it needs to quit. Shelby deployed on Dec 28th and we got a dusting that day and not a single flake has fallen since. In fact, it has actually gotten HOT! Hot for January standards anyway. On Saturday we had sunshine and it got up to 55 degrees outside! I was almost too hot in pants and a t-shirt and contemplated changing into shorts.
Colin had a blast playing outside in the great spring-like weather. It was nice to see some green grass for a change and you could smell the earth. That good smell of dirt and grass and green things, I haven't smelled that in a while!
Colin missed the snow just a little bit. When we first went outside he found the last little patch of snow in the driveway and played in it for the longest time.
Then he realized that no more snow meant he could use his toys in the yard and he was happy to ride his tricycle and his scooter around.
After that we got out the bubbles and he was so excited about that. We must have blown bubbles for an hour! He would blow some and chase them around, then I would blow some and he would hunt them all down and pop them all.
The mild weather was a welcome change, making me anxious for warmer temperatures and spring time flowers and green. However, I'm afraid winter is just kicking off and if I remember correctly spring doesn't pop up until at least April around here. Someone I know mentioned that peace and calm during the eye of a hurricane and compared this little winter reprieve to that. Hmmmmm.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
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