Looks like later this summer the Goetzman Family will be moving! I'll give you a few hints...
It's an island bigger than the one we currently live on...
In the Pacific...
With jungle land...
And incredible beaches for the boys...
Don't forget the diving/snorkeling!
Friday, February 28, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
One Month Old
It's hard to believe the little guy is already a month old. He didn't have an official well baby check at one month, but he did get weighed and he weighs in at 10.2 pounds now. He loves to eat (no surprise), he's sleeping better with usually just one wake-up in the night, and he's so strong. He loves to sit or be held upright so he can look around. He prefers the bouncy seat to the swing right now and loves to sit and look out the glass back doors or at the ceiling fan. He's still very gassy and is plagued by some acid reflux, but it does not cause him to spit up or vomit, thank goodness! He's got terrible baby acne on his face, chest and back, but the doctor is not concerned and says he'll grow out of it. I told Caleb to just rock those pimples proudly, it's the one time in his life where the chicks will still swoon over him with a face full of pimples! Embrace it!
Because I'm obsessed with cute little baby feet!
He's a pretty happy little guy most of the time, as long as he is being held. He LOVES to be in someone's arms. All. The. Time. It makes it difficult for me to get much done, but I don't mind. He'll only be this sweet and snuggly for a short time, so I'll hold him all I can. When I can't hold him, or when I just really NEED to take a shower or clean something to maintain my sanity, I have Odilia come help and she is always more than willing to hold Caleb. He's like a little piece of heaven for her to sit around and hold, I'm pretty sure I've given her her dream job by paying her to rock and hold my baby! LOL
He looks JUST like his big brother. It's the first thing everyone says, it really is crazy how similar they are. Here is a comparison of Colin and Caleb...
Here he is wearing his traditional Azorean bib. It was a gift from my wonderful cleaning lady, she always gets me great traditional island stuff, I love it! She bought it from a shop in Angra that makes them by hand. The locals here only put them on the baby for special occasions such as doctor visits or church functions. I think I want to frame it for his wall once he wears it for a special occasion.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Basketball 2014
Colin's first game of the season went well. The kids were a riot and Colin was his usual competitive self. Shelby recorded most of the game in parts, watch them here if you want a laugh.
Calling the Tooth Fairy!
Colin has had a few wiggly teeth for a while now. He finally had a bottom tooth that was barely hanging on. While playing at our friend's house, their daughter Kaitlyn, lost her very first tooth. Colin was quite excited and being the competitive child that he is he was not going to be outdone. He reached in and pulled his own tooth out like it was nothing. The two were so giggly and excited.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Annual Awards Banquet
While in Germany we learned that Shelby had won Senior Non Commissioned Officer of the year for his squadron and would need to attend the annual awards banquet for the wing to find out if he won at the wing level. Thankfully we were still in Germany so I could shop for a dress there instead of on our island, it was already too late to order anything in the mail or have something custom made by the tailor. The banquet was to be held exactly one month after I had given birth, which is not very much time to get my pre-baby body back at all! Then I had to dress shop at a mere 10 days postpartum if I was going to buy a dress there in Germany. Yikes! Talk about nervous. I did find the perfect dress though and it was really nice to get dressed up and go out. The banquet was fun and when Shelby won out and took home the wing award it topped off the evening. He works so hard and it's great to see he's recognized and appreciated for all that he does. Congratulations Shel! You deserve it!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
100 Days of School!
Colin has been in kindergarten for 100 days now. Where does the time go? When I picked him up from school they had funny hats and glasses on to celebrate.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Welcome Home Caleb!
Today is the day! We finally have passport in hand and we are able to fly home to Terceira. After six weeks in Germany I am ready to see Cooper, be in my own house again and sleep in my own bed. Caleb did fantastic on the flights, barely cried at all. At just 15 days old my baby boy took his first plane ride and visited his second country. Gotta love the military life! Colin still has Caleb beat by far though, by eight months old Colin had visited three CONTINENTS!
Here we are flying home!
Colin doing what Colin does on flights.
Here's the whole family!
Here I am, home sweet home again with ALL THREE of my babies!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Caleb's First Bath
Finally we were able to give Caleb a real bath instead of a sponge bath. Colin was very excited to help out with this task. Caleb liked his first bath much more than his big brother liked his first bath. Caleb didn't cry much at all and seemed to enjoy the warm water until he got cold. Then, once he'd had enough bath time was OVER and he was DONE with it and wasn't shy about letting us know!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Caleb's Newborn Photo Shoot
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Caleb Newborn Photo Shoot |
When I scheduled the shoot the photographer said it would take 2-3 hours and I thought "no way we'll need that long!" I was certainly assuming we'd be on the low end of that time estimate. We told Colin if he was good in the pictures and waited patiently for Caleb to have his pictures taken, that we would go to the dinosaur museum when we were done. Little did I know...
FOUR long hours later we were finally done with pictures it was way too late to go to the dinosaur museum. It wasn't even a matter of Caleb not cooperating, it just took a while to get him to sleep so we could do the pictures and then changing the props and backgrounds and all. Exhausting! Poor Colin did behave the whole four hours and he was not happy at all we couldn't go the museum that day. When he sobbed about us not being able to go I about sobbed with him I felt so bad for him. We promised him we'd go the next morning, first thing and spend the day, he didn't like it but he dealt with that plan. Caleb's pictures came out fantastic though, I love them all!
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