Monday morning I got up and started the miserable task of packing all my stuff to get ready to head home. I had entirely too much stuff even without all the additional stuff I bought in Seoul so it wasn't fun. I eventually decided to send a box of warm clothes to Idaho since I would be visiting there next week and wouldn't need them in Florida. That left some decent room in

my suitcases for more important things like purses and shoes! :) We ran some last minute errands to mail the clothes and buy some diapers to last until I got home and then caught the bus to the airport. For the last couple of days I'd been dreading that awful flight home but I had other things to occupy my time and make me forget about it. However, once you get on the bus to the airport you really can't help but dread your inevitable fate of being held captive for 16 hours on a plane with a 7 month old. Shelby and I got to talking about how excited I was about the plane ride and he suggested I just stay. I thought he was joking but warned him not to tempt me and that I would do just about anything to avoid spending the next 24 hours traveling with Colin and without sleep. He said he wasn't joking that I should just stay the next two and a half weeks that he has left here and then we can fly home together. So we got to the airport and went to the ticket counter and the very helpful lady got me all set up on a new flight home on the 29th of April. So instead of getting on a plane for 16 hours we hopped a public city bus from the airport to Gunsan City and in a little under four hours we were back in the good old dorm room. Too bad Shelby didn't have this bright idea earlier and we could have avoided a lot of uneccessary packing and time riding busses! At any rate I will be spending a little more time in Korea than originally planned, I kinda like it here though so that's just fine with me. I am bummed about having to cancel my trip to Idaho to visit my family though, we won't make it out there until later this summer now. I'm sure the next two weeks here will be exciting and we'll find something fun to do. We'll try not to leave anyone at rest stops or visit the emergency room this time around!
P.S. The pictures I snapped this morning before we left they hotel, they are of the view from our room.
bautiful view Kris. Glad tpo hear that things work for all of you