**Getting ready for the show to start and playing with his new Elmo toy.
The USO brought a mini Sesame Street Live show to the base today and Shel and I took Colin. The show travels all over Europe to visit miltary bases and puts on a free show for the military families. It rocked! Colin was pretty cranky for 90% of the day today, possibly sick again...grrr. Despite feeling poopy he still danced and watched the characters and the time at the show was his happiest mood all day. He had a blast.
**Super Colin!
**During the show
**Colin & Daddy watching intently
After we got home it was back to grouchy again. Colin has had some diarrhea and has been pulling at his ears a little, but when a part of one of his molars popped the gum yesterday I thougtht that was the culprit. Then around dinner time today he was on fire and when I took his temp he was 103. So hopefully it was a one time fever related to the teething. My kid is NOT a grouch though so if he's still acting funky come Friday it's off to the doctor. We want to go to a fall festival and corn maze this weekend so hopefully he doesn't get sick :(
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