School has been taking up all of my time. The kids in my class are pretty sweet and good. I'm falling into their routine and I've started teaching a lot of their lessons. Pretty soon I will be planning and teaching all of their lessons. The teaching part comes naturally for me and I'm used to that, I've been doing it for years. The planning part is interesting and I only have limited experience with that, it's a learning process.
Colin has finally become used to his new schedule. For a while he would start screaming and bawling the minute he saw us pull up to the babysitter's house. This is NOT normal and he LOVES that place. I think he just wasn't used to going there 5 days a week for such long days. Finally the end of last week and this week he has stopped the crying and is his usual happy self when we leave. Thank God because him screaming and clinging to me and having Christa pry him off me was enough to make me kick and scream. Talk about feeling guilty. As you can see he's back to his goofy self...
What's in that cup anyway Mr. Colin???
Beware of the fridge bandit!
Who knew a box was so much fun!
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