Colin loved the time outdoors and got himself good and dirty. We decorated the bush outside with Easter eggs and he undecorated it. Then I redecorated it and he again undecorated it. Finally he moved on to tossing rocks in the empty rain barrels in the back yard and I was able to get the eggs back on the bush once and for all. We trimmed rose bushes and cleaned up part of one of the gardens out back.
Colin is fascinated with airplanes outside and he loves listening and watching for them in the sky. He points to the sky and says "airplane" at least two dozen times. Here is a video of him, he isn't saying it as clearly as usual here but you get the idea...
Yesterday morning he was dancing on the dining room table in the living room and laughing about it. He thought he wasn't supposed to be up there so whenever he would see me looking he would lay down and whine. He was pretending to get down while complaining about it, but he had no real intentions of getting off the table. Here is a video of him on the table and the whining when he thinks he might have to get down...
Now that the hamster is more used to his surroundings he's not quite so angry. He still doesn't care to be touched but at least he doesnt fly at you baring his teeth when you attempt to open the cage door. Here are some pics of the little thing who still doesn't have a name.
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