Sunday, October 3, 2010

Just another weekend

Just another weekend in the nuthouse that is. It started off pretty normal, Saturday we went to the Hitcherhof Farm down the road and got some hay, pumpkins and gourds to decorate for fall. On the way we saw this awesome house.

I love these vines that grow on the buildings and about this time of year their leaves turn fiery red. Gorgeous!

We came back home and set up all the goodies in the yard, we also got to head out to the garden in the backyard and pick a bunch more gourds we had grown to add to the display. I have the front door area decorated too but it's dark out now and I forgot to take a picture of the whole house. So, here is all you get for now :)

Sunday is when the madness began. Holy toddler tornado! He started off the morning like this, refusing to wear pjs and insisting on his super cool rain galoshes.

I headed down to the basement to do some laundry for a total of maybe 5 minutes and returned to find Colin standing on the windowsil and playing in the fish tank. This time a cordless phone and the TV remote went for a swim. Thankfully, the brand new sound system remote that just arrived in the mail last week (to replace its drowned predecessor) was spared a swimming lesson today. Both are on the heater attempting to dry out...we'll know in a few days if amazon gets more of our business for replacements. This is what Colin looks like in time out...

We've been tossing around the idea of starting to potty train and today seemed as good a day as any to start. So off came the diaper and we gave the instructions to Colin about telling Mommy or Daddy when you have to pee pee and today we use the potty instead of a diaper. Of course, we couldn't get him to remove the galoshes...

He did really well and excitedly peed in the potty just a few minutes after removing his diaper.

Retrieving electronics from the fish tank reminds one how overdue a fish tank cleaning is. Colin was glad to help.

Now I thought that perhaps he just really likes his galoshes, or maybe they are just really comfy...but no, I think that little boy is smarter than we give him credit for. You see, he knew that when we removed his diaper there would soon be plenty of puddles inside to jump in. He made it to the potty about half the time this afternoon, the rest of the time felt like a flashback to having a puppy in the house.

Later on tornado Colin stole the SD card dummy that stays in the slot on my computer to keep the dirt and stuff out. He threw it on the floor and so I made him go and get it to give it back. When he returned it he shoved it back in my computer instead of handing it to me. Except he shoved it right into the cd/dvd rom drive instead. All the way in. As in, not coming out unless I take the computer apart kind of in. As in, I shake the computer and hear dummy card bouncing around in there kind of in. :/ Urgh!

After dinner we decided to take apart his crib and convert it to a big boy bed. He climbs out of his crib with ease each morning when he wakes up, so there really is no point to having one anymore.

I am a little hesitant because I am afraid he will stay up all night playing instead of sleeping since it's so easy to just get up and leave the bed. He was super excited about his new bed.

We put him to bed and kissed him goodnight about 8:45. It's 9:34 and guess who is still up playing with his toys. Wonderful.
**Update - at 10:07 we open the door to check on him and the door won't open. We discover it is because he has fallen asleep on the floor behind the door. Apparently big boy bed is not as cool as he thought, lol. At 10:10 we finally have a sleeping toddler in a big boy bed. Thank God, now I can go to bed!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love the naked plus boots look. Good luck potty training and keeping him in his big boy bed! LOVE the blanket on his bed. ;)
