Colin is 100% toddler right now. He's demanding, opinionated, stubborn, a social butterfly, has a definite sense of humor, learns fast, and is absolutely adorable. He goes back and forth from being the cutest kid on the planet, to making me want to pull my hair out, at least 100 times a day.
Here are a few things I want to remember about Colin at this age...
* He has wonderful manners. He always says thank you and your welcome, he says excuse me after he burps and the instant anyone within earshot coughs or sneezes he tells them "bless you."
* He HATES my singing. If I sing in the car he tells me to stop. When he potties in the potty and I sing the potty song...oh it's priceless. The look of annoyance on his face as he pushes me away saying "stop mommy, stop," it's just great.
* He is smart and imaginative. People often comment that he is smart. The other day right as someone complimented his coordination and skills, saying how smart he was, he then turned the party horn around put the paper part in his mouth and blew in the wrong end. "Yep pure genius!" I replied, LOL.
* He talks. A lot. Most of it is unintelligible because he's usually excited when he talks, the more excited he is the faster he throws words together.
* He's methodical and insistant upon certain things. For example, if a door is left open, he has to close it...regardless of whether or not it was intentionally left open. Open doors bother him, period. He spends quite a bit of time at the BX mall playground closing the door to the playground room when kids leave it open.
* He loves to snuggle with me.
* He still has his beautiful red hair. Though it has lightened up some and we keep it cut short, which makes it seem less red.
* He's obsessed with anything to do with the movie
Cars, watching
How to Train Your Dragon, everything dinosaur...and possibly, as of last night, "Hoody." Which, after much screaming and stomping in front of the TV last night, we finally discovered meant Woody from
Toy Story.
* He loves to cook with me. Though I've recently realized that he thinks cooking means standing on a chair next to me at the counter sticking his fingers in things and licking any utensil in sight.
* He does not love the bath as much as he used to. This is not good for Mommy, or Daddy. Keeping him in the tub has become a chore and an expensive experiment. A new tub toy buys us maybe three nights of 20-30 minute bath times. Once the newness wears off he's climbing out of the tub as fast as you put him in there.
* He doesn't forget a thing. Ever! He remembers all kinds of things that amaze me. I can read him a new book one time and he will ask for it a week later. He stopped going to the old babysitter back in April of last year and hadn't seen her all summer. We went to her house recently to visit and he asked to see her rabbit, and the bird that lives in the house upstairs with her daughter. He remembered the bird and rabbit from when he would stay there before, he was 20 months old when we stopped going there for daycare. Kid is like an elephant!
* He eats. And eats. AND EATS. Seriously, at times I worry about the amount of food the child can put down with ease. He is still tall and not a bit overweight, but man can this kid eat!
* He has a sense of humor and will crack up laughing at himself when he thinks he's being funny. He likes to make people laugh too.
* He loves watching football. He actually asks for us to turn on Gator football, by saying "alligators" when we ask him what he wants to watch.
I know there is more I wanted to share, it just won't come to me right now.