Tonight was trick or treat night on base and it was PACKED out. Seriously, I've seen fewer people at Disney World in the summertime. There were LINES of people waiting to get candy at some houses. LINES. What are they giving away money at those houses? Waiting in line for a Blow Pop or a Snickers? Come on folks! We bypassed all that nonsense and went to a less crowded area in the back of housing. Colin was more concerned with eating his candy than collecting it. At the end of the night it looked like he only had a few pieces in the bottom of his bucket. That's because he ate three times that amount already and cleaned the bucket out! We brought along the neighbor family and Colin's best buddy. Here are the few pictures I took...
Colin and Baby Addison

Isn't she stinkin adorable?

Colin & Christian

Christian's baby brother, Sebastian. Isn't his costume hilarious?
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