Colin has finally been doing well here and there at school and getting more stamps on his behavior chart. Today he earned his 8th stamp, which gets him a trip to the toy store to pick out a new toy. Since he was getting to choose a toy, Shelby and I went together to pick him up from school so we could all go to the store. We showed up right as his teacher was about to call us to let us know that he had just been hurt. The kids were playing and he and Miss Amanda's daughter collided. Colin's teeth v Lily's head and Lily's head won. Amanda said there was a terrible noise and then blood and now Colin's two front teeth were wiggly. He barely cried until he saw us, then he played up the drama. Despite the blood he didn't seem too bad, but I wanted the ER doc to check him out just in case. Off we went to the ER and the doctor said he'd be ok. They don't really seem to be too concerned about baby teeth, not nearly as concerned as me anyway. She said it didn't appear to have damaged the adult teeth up under there and he didn't appear to be in too much pain like it had done nerve damage or anything. She said in time the gums will firm back up and the teeth will wiggle less. She said they also may turn grey (say WHAT?!) and that is normal. Let's just hope that doesn't happen! I should mention I've been wanting to get family pictures taken in the snow by this particular red barn since last year. Our lack of snow this year has made it impossible to have them taken and I had JUST made an appointment for tomorrow since we had a little bit of snow the last few days. Of course I had to cancel pictures because I didn't want a fat lip in them. So we spent our Friday evening at the ER, then hit up the toy store (because you KNOW my child did not care if he still had teeth or not as long as he got his toy), I blew my diet on Captain D's for dinner. Way to kick off the weekend!
BTW yes I know his teeth look gross in this picture, I let him get away with a very pathetic, gentle brushing this morning since I'm sure they are sore.
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