This week at school was Read Across America Week, each year it is held in honor of Dr. Seuss during the week of his birthday (which happens to be today, March 2) and schools and organizations come together to promote literacy and love of reading in kids through fun events. Colin's little preschool was participating in the events as well as the elementary school where I teach, so we had a lot of fun doing the events together. Tuesday, to go along with
The Foot Book the kids wore mismatched socks and shoes. Wednesday was wacky hair day and my hairstyle was easy, because I was not about to take the time to do my own real hair wacky, nor was I going to run all my errands after work with my hair looking all ridiculous, therefore the afro wig was my solution. Put it on at work, have a blast with the kids, take it off after work and be normal again. Though it might have been kind of fun to actually wear it out and about in public just to watch people's reactions. Anyway the real dilemma was what to do with Colin's hair. His hair is super short, not quite a buzz cut but close to it, so no barrettes or clips are going to stay in it. I was at a loss for what to do and couldn't find any spray hair color so I went to the makeup section and found the most obnoxious shade of electric blue I could get my hands on. I painted blue spots all over his head with the mascara wand and it turned out pretty good. He loved it. He did not however, love my hair. I woke him up that morning with my wig on telling him it was wacky hair day. When he finally did open up his eyes and look at me he jumped back and hit his head on the side of his bed when he saw the wig on my head. I felt bad but also had to laugh a little, then I felt bad for laughing, lol. He was not feeling having his picture taken in the morning, but here are the bad shots I snapped of him before school...

And here we are at preschool that afternoon with our wacky hair-dos

Thursday was wear your sunglasses to school day, he thought that was pretty fun too. Friday was hat day and the kids were supposed to make a recycled hat out of things that had laying around the house, or recyclables. At my school they were having a big hat parade where the whole school comes out and walks around campus so that they can show off their hats and Colin's preschool class was coming to watch it as a field trip. Colin liked the idea of a robot hat so that is what we made him using an old kleenex box, some paper towel and toilet paper rolls and a few other miscellaneous items. It was a hit and he really liked it. Here he is in his recycled robot hat.

And he insisted he take my picture with my silly hat on