Friday, March 30, 2012

Third time's the charm

After two failed transfers I'd been feeling pretty down about this last upcoming one. I knew that it was the last of my frozen embryos. I knew that we have to move this summer to a place where there will be no IVF treatment available. I knew that this is probably our very last hope and chance to have any more biological pressure right. Then my uterus didn't want to cooperate. When I went in for a check with hopes of transferring later that week I was told we would have to postpone transfer. My uterine lining was too thin and not looking good so they upped my dosage of medication and told me to come back in a week.

When I went back a week later I thought for sure it would be good news. It wasn't good news, but it wasn't bad news either I suppose. My lining was still not fully cooperating. It measured at the extreme minimum end of what they want to see in order to do the embryo transfer. Our options were to either wait another week and see if it would plump any more, or go ahead with the transfer and work with what we've got. The doctor said in his opinion, based on the dosage of meds I was taking he didn't foresee the lining get any better if we waited. And since it was just over the thickness needed for pregnancy to occur he said we could transfer on Friday. I was happy but pretty nervous and discouraged. Then Wednesday the doc called with the thaw report...of the two thawed only one survived, so we potentially would only have one embryo to work with and since it was just starting to grow we had no idea what kind of quality it would be until the transfer on Friday. I tried not to be upset, one is better than none, but I wasn't feeling very positive with all the problems and negatives this cycle had brought me.

Friday we went in for the transfrer and I was so relieved when I saw the picture of our embryo. It was beautiful! It was 10-12 cells, all even in size, the picture of perfection. The doctor said it was very high quality and by far the best one we've transferred so far. Thank God. I needed that little boost and I'm still riding the wave of excitement from seeing it.

Now comes the hard part, the waiting. I'm hoping it will go by fast since this week is a quick week at school, teacher workday on Friday and Saturday we head to The Netherlands for a week of vacation. Vacations always fly by too fast, so that should help with the waiting some. Cross your fingers, cross your toes, cross your eyes if you can. :) We really hope that this is our miracle and the third time is the charm for us.

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