Tuesday 21 Jan 2014 1000
OB clinic visit and NST. Docs say Caleb’s heart rate looks
great, no signs of stress. I’m still only dilated to a 1, maybe a 2 and the soonest they can get me in for induction would be
Friday night for a Saturday delivery. Sigh. Friday?? So. Far. Away!
Tuesday 21 Jan 2014 1800
I start passing pieces of my mucous plug. Yay for progress!
Not getting too excited as I know that you can lose the plug and still wait
days for labor to kick off.
Tuesday 21 Jan 2014 2100
I go to bed and start having contractions. I still don’t get
too excited but around 11:30 they are still seem to be coming pretty regularly
so I start timing them. They are very consistent at about 7 minutes apart. This
continues all night long, no sleep for me! I still haven’t told Shelby, who is
sleeping in Colin’s room because no one wants to sleep with a 40 week pregnant
woman with insane acid reflux that has to pee no less than every 60 minutes.
I’m trying my best to make it until morning to wake anyone because I know Colin
will be bonkers off the wall if I have to wake him up to take him to the
babysitter’s house before school starts. Plus I really don’t want to have to
disturb the babysitter in the middle of the night and hand her my crazy,
excited kiddo who will most definitely not be going back to sleep at her house!
About 3 AM contractions are coming about every 5 minutes and worried this may
be my last chance to do so I take a shower. Shower feels amazing but speeds up
contractions which are now 3-4 minutes apart. Crap! Get out of the shower and
lay down with my feet up hoping to slow the contractions back down just a
little bit and buy myself a few more hours. It works!
Wednesday 22 Jan 2014 0700
Shelby wakes to find me packing my hospital bag and is a bit
confused. Contractions have now slowed down to about 10 minutes apart. We drop
Colin off at school and take his things to the baby sitter’s house just in case
and then we go walking. We had some errands to run so off we went, walking,
walking, walking. Contractions coming a little closer together, but still not
good enough to warrant a trip to L&D. We almost consider giving up and
heading home to rest but right about that time they seem to speed up a little
and begin to get more intense. So instead we go to the hospital to walk the
halls there and see if that will do the trick. We walk the hospital halls for
three hours and FINALLY my contractions are now 3-4 minutes apart and feeling
pretty good. And by pretty good I mean not so good! We head up to L&D and
they take me in to monitor me and see how the contractions and heart rate look.
Of course as soon as I got in the bed the contractions started to slow up and
I’m thinking we are doomed to be sent home any minute. We did notice Caleb’s
heart rate often spiking up into the high 160’s during the monitoring. It is
normally 140’s and would spike up and set off the alarm. This didn’t seem to
alarm the nurses, but then the alarm went off again because his heart rate
dropped way down. As in just totally dropped off the monitor. A nurse came in
asking me if I had moved or gotten up and if I had messed with the monitor. I
told her no, no, and no. She calls another nurse in and asks her where the
staff is and tells her they should all be in there NOW. She sounded serious and
she began pushing on my belly and moving monitors around. Then within seconds
there was a team of people in there turning me over, putting oxygen on me,
starting an IV and shouting orders. After a couple minutes the activity dies
down and the midwife explains that his heart rate flat lined and they lost it
on the monitors for a good 3 minutes. She said he could have just grabbed a
hold of the cord or moved so that there was too much pressure on it, but it
also could have been a sign of stress. She said that I would not be going home,
they would definitely be admitting me and begin an induction as long as his
heart rate tolerates it, but she warned that if his heart rate tanked like that
again I would be going in for a C section. So…scary as all that was I guess we
are going to have a baby today after all!
Wednesday 22 Jan 2014 1700
The nurses got me all moved from the temporary room where I
was to a larger delivery room and we got all set up there. Contractions are getting stronger and closer
and are not feeling too great anymore. Dr. Downer came back in to put in the Foley
bulb in order to dilate me and get the induction started and was pleasantly
surprised that I was already a 4-5 and 50 % effaced and didn’t need the Foley
bulb. Yay! He said he’d give me a little more time to see if I would progress
more on my own without Pitocin. I was thankful for that because contractions
were already strong and I know what Pit contractions feel like from Colin. I
got the feeling I was progressing just fine without it because contractions now
totally sucked and were coming back to back less than two minutes apart.
Wednesday 22 Jan 2014 1800
I wave the white flag and call for the epidural.
Unfortunately they tell me NOW before I can have one I have to get a whole bag
of IV fluids in me, so I suffer through another hour of contractions willing
that damn bag to drip faster. About 1900 the fluids are in but it’s shift
change and all the docs and nurses are at report, so I wait some more for the
new anesthesiologist to get updated and over to my room.
Wednesday 22 Jan 2014 1945
Epidural takes what feels like forever to go in. First try
was a bust so he had to stick me twice. Biggest problem was my contractions
were not giving me any down time in between and staying still through them was
very difficult. Even the anesthesiologist felt bad for me and asked the nurse
if I could have a shot of Fentanyl to take the edge off while he finished. I
said I just wanted it done ASAP though and didn’t want to wait for my OB to
sign off on that and just told him to push on. Ten minutes after the epi is in
place my water breaks at 1955! Almost there! (Or so I thought…)
Wednesday 22 Jan 2014 2100
Things are supposed to get BETTER after the epidural, not
worse! When I had Colin my epidural was a BEEE-UUUU-TIFUL thing. I got it, I
instantly felt better, I felt no pain, could still move and somewhat feel my
legs, went to sleep right away and woke up able to feel enough to push. This
time it was miserable. I felt like my legs were two giant balloons and I had
ZERO feeling or control over them. They felt so foreign and strange and it was
driving me nuts. Worse that than was that I was so OVER numb from the thighs
down but not numb enough from the waist to the hips. So I was still feeling
pain from contractions. Now the edge was definitely taken off, I was able to
breathe through these without wanting to die, BUT I was scared because I knew I
was only a 6-7 and feeling this pain and that I still had to go to a 10 and
push with it. I was also having trouble because I was in pain and now my legs
were limp sausages and I was unable to move them or control them enough to find
a comfortable position to breathe through the contractions. I started to have
panic attacks at this point. They told me to push the button to up the dose on
my epidural which upset me more when they did it because I already didn’t like
how it felt and just wanted it to go away. Eventually there was enough meds in
me to numb the contraction pains but it was still a horrible feeling. As I
transitioned from the second to third phase of labor the shift in hormones had
me shaking uncontrollably and feeling frozen. I remember thinking I was having
some kind of reaction and was probably about to die. Shelby and the nurse
assured me I’d be fine but I was not convinced. The doctor had said he would
come check me at 2230 and watching the clock waiting for that to happen was
torture. I tried to prepare myself in case he told me that I wasn’t ready to
push yet, but I knew I’d fall apart if he did. I had been awake for almost 40
hours by this point and was just ready to get it over with and get the epidural
Thursday 23 Jan 2014 0010
The doctor finally comes to check me MUCH later than the
2230 time he quoted me. I guess he thought I wasn’t ready. But the good news is
Caleb’s head is RIGHT there! The nurses start making preparations for the
delivery and setting up the baby warmer. My nurse works with me to do some prep
pushes to get his head down under the pubic bone and ready to come out.
Thankfully, even though I cannot feel anything, including the contractions and
the urge to push, I am able to push effectively and it only takes about 5
rounds of pushes to get him to crown. The doctor wasn’t even back yet and had
to come running in and throw on a gown just in time to catch Caleb who was
basically coming out all on his own now.
Thursday 23 Jan 2014 0113
Caleb Garrett Goetzman is born! There was some meconium
present at delivery and the doc rushed to cut the cord, Shelby didn’t get to do
it this time, in order to get him to the nurses before he took his first breath
and sucked it in. No luck. Caleb started crying just as he was handed over, but
the nurses suctioned him right away and his Apgar scores were 9/9 so it didn’t
seem to be an issue. It did require them to watch him a bit longer though and
while they were cleaning him up he pooped AGAIN all over the warmer and
himself. Apparently I’ve got a super pooper, that’s twice already and he was
just born! He weighed in at 8 pounds even and 21.25 inches long, just a quarter
inch shorter and a few ounces less than his big brother. He has the same
beautiful red hair that Colin was born with and he’s absolutely perfect. It was
a very, very long hour later before I was finally able to hold my baby and try
to feed him. He immediately latched on to nurse and knew just what to do. I got
to hold him and love on him for a bit and then I started to feel sick. Hormone
shifts get me every time! Thankfully the nausea wasn’t as bad as right after
Colin was born. I was over it pretty quickly.
Thursday 23 Jan 2014 0500
One thing I did not get over quickly was the epidural. They
shut it off as soon as Caleb was born but hours later I STILL couldn’t feel my
legs or move them. I was beginning to think it was never going to wear off and
I had some wacked spinal injury. Shelby was exhausted at this point and I was
stuck in the bed just lying there unable to move so he went home to sleep for a
few hours.
Thursday 23 Jan 2014 0615
I can FINALLY wiggle my toes! And I can semi feel my legs
again! As I got my feeling back the nurse helped me get up and out of bed and
to the shower. Best. Shower. Ever. After my shower it was about 7:30 and they
brought me a tray with breakfast to eat. I ate that and then gathered up my
stuff, and finally about 9 AM I was able to leave Labor and Delivery and move
to the Mother Baby Unit. Most people make that move about 2 hours after giving
birth. Lucky me, I managed to swing an extended stay.
Thursday 23 Jan 2014 0930
After being up all night having a baby and up all night the
night before that with contractions I was more than ready to get to my room and
get to sleep. So I was less than pleased to be shown to my room on the Mother
Baby unit and discover I was sharing a room and I had a roommate. And roommate had
her new baby, husband, and two small kids on her side of the room. Fortunately
they were leaving that day and were awaiting discharge paperwork. Unfortunately
discharge paperwork means every doctor and nurse on the floor must come to the
room no less than six times to speak with you prior to sending you home. And
when nurses and doctors were not coming to see my roommate they were coming to
check on me. Then the birth registration lady came to take Caleb’s passport
photo and collect all my documents so they could be hand carried to the embassy
in Frankfurt. I soon realized chances of sleep where slim to none.
Thursday 23 Jan 2014 1300
Shelby got his rest and went to pick Colin up from school
early to come and meet Caleb. Colin was so excited and he brought Caleb a
little ball toy as a present. He couldn’t get over how small Caleb was and he
was so sweet with him. It was so fun watching the two of them together, Colin
couldn’t be happier about being a big brother.
Thursday 23 Jan 2014 2000
Finally, sleep! Shelby and Colin headed home, my roommate was
discharged and I have the room all to myself now. I got about an hour of sleep before
Caleb woke up to eat and then after he ate he was fussy. He just wasn’t happy
no matter how I held him and so he cried and fussed for two hours. Then, about
11:30 at night a nurse came in and started preparing the other side of the room
for a patient and told me I would be getting a roommate in about two hours. I
was NOT happy. There were several empty rooms on the floor and I had no idea
why they were making people share rooms when the single rooms were empty and
available. When she gave me the news I was not very nice, I told her I hoped my
new roommate didn’t plan to sleep all night because my baby was fussy and had
been crying for two hours. She must have sensed I was exhausted because after
she fixed the other side of the room she offered to take Caleb and I went down
the hall to the bathroom since I had the chance to do so without wheeling the
bassinet down there with me. She actually managed to get him to sleep and then
I got a few hours of sleep myself. My roommate didn’t come in until about 6:30
the next morning instead of the middle of the night, which was nice.
Friday 24 Jan 2014 0900
The next
day I started telling the nurses I wanted to go home. The pediatrician came
around and said hospital policy was usually 48 hours after birth before
discharge, but said she might be willing to sign off to go early. I just kept
telling anyone that would listen I could NOT spend another night in that
hospital. That I was exhausted and I wasn’t getting any sleep there and I needed
to go home. Finally they agreed that they would do Caleb’s circumcision and IF
he took it well AND he had a good wet diaper they would discharge us all. We
had to wait about 6 hours for him to pee after his procedure, but finally he
did a little bit. So little in fact, that we were not 100% sure he had peed in
the diaper. So we called a nurse down to confirm (I was not messing up my
chance to bust out of there!) and while he was checking Caleb’s diaper out
Caleb peed all over the nurse and Shelby! LOL Now there was no question he had
finally produced! Sign those papers and let’s go home! The sweet nurses had
already done all the paperwork and had everything ready to go upon urination,
so we were sent on our way in no time. Home sweet (temporary) home!
Family picture we took just before leaving.
Wheeling his little brother out to the car.
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