The last two weekends we've been taking advantage of our last bit of time on the island to do some camping. First we went to a place called Salgas near Porto Judeo. It was a very nice, but very busy campground. We had decent weather and it is right net to the beach. There were only a few sprinkles here and there throughout the weekend. I was worried about camping with Caleb, but he did pretty well. The biggest issue with his was that our tent is just big enough for a full size and a twin air mattress, which meant Caleb had no floor space to sleep on blankets. He ended up sleeping between Shelby and I for half of the first night and then on top of me the second half. Portuguese people are night owls too, they regularly eat dinner at 9ish and stay up until 2-3 in the morning. I just had my hair done the other night and my appointment was at 7 PM and I was there until 10:30 with several people still there when I left. Totally normal around here. Around 2 am is right about when the noise from people sitting around the picnic tables eating died down. Yikes! He slept pretty well, me...not so much! The second night he was on to this getting to sleep on top of mommy thing, he refused to let me lay him down at all. Mom duty plus the noises of the campground left me with little sleep at night. However during the day I made up for it.

Here are the kiddos hanging out.
Grilling some hot links and hot dogs for lunch.
Beach time!
Views of the beach/swimming hole.
Grilling in the rain drizzle, thanks guys!
One happy little camper. :)
Colin in the car not even 5 minutes after pulling out of the campground.
The second weekend we went to a different campground called Cinco Riberias. It was not as crowded and would have perfect if the rain would not have been so persistent all weekend. Having learned from last weekend I got my own tent for Caleb and I, so he could sleep in his own area and not on top of me. He slept much better that night and I would have, except that it rained all night and my borrowed tent leaked. And my air mattress deflated. So I slept on the ground with wet blankets because the tent leaked. LOL Despite the wet night and very wet days we had fun. The place had gorgeous views...
The swimming area on one side.
The swimming hole on one side was overrun with jelly fish that day. I couldn't believe how many there were!
So we had to go over to the other side of the swimming area to play.
We only have one weekend left on the island and we won't be camping this time. We have going away dinners and stuff to do. It's almost moving time!
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