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Flowers |
The boys were sleeping this afternoon and I went out to play with the dogs and instead wound up snapping some shots of the flowers around the yard. Lots of our flowers are blooming right now so there are plenty to take pics of.
This weekend went by too fast as usual. Shel had to work on Saturday so Colin and I went to some yard sales where he acquired a few more uneeded toys. After that we checked out the new BX "mall" they opened on base here. Huge waste of space and money. It was obviously designed and built by some high ranking people with more education that common sense and who actually get paid enough money to shop there. I mean seriously...what the hell do we need a Swarovski Crystal store for??? My favorite saying in regards to the military...if it makes sense it surely isn't going to happen. At least the food court is nice...Colin and I thoroughly enjoyed some greasy delicious fried fat, I mean fish & hushpuppies, from Captain D's. I haven't had anything like that to clog up my arteries in a while.
Sunday morning we had to get up early to meet my friend Kelly to do some family pictures. Colin turns one next week and we've yet to have any pro pics done as a family so we were long overdue. I've taken Colin's each month since he was born but it is always just him alone. We headed out to the castle ruins and got some nice outdoor shots. I can't wait to get them back and see how they turned out.
This week is just working and getting ready for Colin's party on Saturday. We are having a big birthday BBQ here at the house for him. I can't wait to see his cake, I ordered him an adorable monkey cake from a cake designer here and I know it's going to be fabulous. I still have a bunch of things to do to prepare and of course Shel is looking forward to showing off his grilling talents. He gave me a long list of grocery items to get for him to prepare his feast. The week should go by fast and before I know it my baby won't be a baby anymore. :(
Awww, they grow up so fast don't they?