Colin loves tomatoes. I regularly feed him heated up diced tomatoes with his dinner because he loves them. Colin was finishing his lunch and I went outside for a minute to help Shelby fix something on the J
eep. When I came back in this is what I see...
When I left him in his high chair he was not within arms reach of anything. When I came back upstairs he had moved his highchair closer to the island. He does this by throwing his body forward and backward and slamming himself against the back of the highchair seat. He has learned that this works to move the high chair little by little as long as the wheel locks aren't on. So he scooted over to the island and then helped himself to the basket of fruit and veggies sitting up there.
He was eating it like an apple when we walked in and was quite proud of himself. I just let him have it and he ate at least half the tomato before he started playing with it. I guess it's a good thing he didn't decide to try the garlic I had in the basket! LOL
LOL That is so funny!! Tyler does the same thing in his high chair... but he's never gotten a tomato before. hahaha