Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Child Is Not Right!

Colin had a doctor appointment first thing in the morning before I went to work. I was talking to the doctor about the possibility of seasonal allergies and food sensitivities. Colin did very well for the tech and cooperated while he weighed him and took his vitals. By the time the doctor came in Colin was bored and acting more like a brat. He did not want to come near the lady, much less sit for the doctor to listen to his heart. I was totally mortified when in true three year old fashion he kicked the crap out of the lady as she tried to hold him in the chair to listen. However after stopping for a minute to see her reaction after kicking her he noticed her super cool tiger stethoscope cover thing. For which he pleasantly sat and played with the rest of the time. She directed us to the lab to have blood drawn for the food sensitivity test and after seeing him behave for the doc I was concerned for the safety of people wielding needles. He was less than patient in the waiting area and upon checking in I politely warned the guy "this is gonna be a nightmare, you might want to call in some backup." When it was Colin's turn I took him in the back and sat him on my lap. He was delighted to see a little tray table in front of the chair that he could drive his cars on. I explained to him that the man was going to look at his arm and then put a needle in it to take out his blood. I told him when he gets stuck he can watch the color come out his arm and fill up the jar. He seemed interested. I could not believe when he sat still as a statue on my lap while the guy poked him. Colin didn't flinch a bit and excitedly watched the blood drain through the tube and into the vial. He was completely fascinated and didn't whimper, whine or move! After they were done I looked like an idiot, Colin looked like a model child and everyone was happy. Colin picked a Transformers sticker for his bravery and then it was off to day care.

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