Saturday, June 18, 2011

Poop on Potty Training!

So now that I am finally out of work for the summer I am ready to start potty training Colin. I thought it would be easy because he often tells me when he's going to the bathroom in his diaper, he tells me that his diaper is dirty and he HATES having to have his diaper changed. Yesterday we started with big boy underwear, a big bag of gummi bears, and potty chart on the bathroom door ready and waiting for stickers. The morning went fairly well. He peed twice and told me when he had to poop and went to the potty each time. He did have an accident while he was playing and seemed surprised that it made such a mess. About 2pm we headed to an indoor playground with the neighbors to play for a while and I put a diaper on him because I knew dragging him to the bathroom would be impossible at the place and didn't want to be responsible for him peeing on the trampoline or other kids. I tried taking him to the bathroom a few times and it went about as well as I thought, he refused. When we got home from the play place the diaper came off and it was back to big boy underpants again. He did well until he decided to try to pee standing up at his little Elmo potty in the living room. He peed everywhere but the potty unfortunately. Ugh.

This morning when he woke up I tried rushing him to the bathroom and he would have nothing to do with that. When I took off his diaper and tried to put underwear on he had a fit and demanded a diaper. I got all the new undies out of the drawer and gave him a choice to bribe him to put them on. He agreed but then we had another problem...The designs on all these fancy underpants are all on the butt and Colin insists on wearing them backwards because he cannot see the super cool character when it's on his butt. Sigh.

He earned one sticker on his chart this morning before we had to go to the grocery and post office, that's where things started to go down the drain, figuratively speaking of course. I took him into every public bathroom I could in an attempt to get him to try to pee. He would go in, he would watch me go, he would refuse to try himself and then screamed as if I were murdering him with any attempt to take off his pants and make him try. I offered up a bribe or two if he would just try sitting on the potty, not interested. Apparently he loathes public restrooms as much as I do. This did not go as well as I had hoped. Then we went to the park to play for a while. I am not sure why the biggest playground park on base does not have a bathroom accessible. Are you just supposed to avoid places without toilets until the child is well trained? Do I have to carry a potty chair in my car everywhere I go? I asked him repeatedly if he had to go, he repeatedly told me no over and over again (thankfully because if he had said yes who knows where I would have taken him). Then of course he peed and pooped in his pull up diaper. We changed it and went back to playing. He fell asleep in the car on the way home and when we got here I woke him and took him to the bathroom, he threw a giant fit and refused to go in the potty telling me he didn't have to go, then must have peed in his pull up as he ran away from me because his pants and socks were soaked. Since we've been home he has gone on his potty once and was excited to put another sticker on his chart for today. I thought it would be easier than this, because Colin knows what he is supposed to do, however, he apparently does not want to be potty trained just yet. Oh boy.

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