Then we got dressed and ready to go with the super cool sign we made.
Finally after what seemed like a long wait (30 minutes in the waiting area) Daddy appeared. Colin was very excited and ran to Shelby when he saw him. I had good intentions of taking pictures but it just didn't happen. Colin was a little shy at first, but after a few minutes he was hamming it up for his Daddy and acting his usual self. Once he warmed up....he was boiling with excitement the rest of the day. He literally talked NON STOP to Shelby for hours. He told him all kinds of things. He was also a one man comedy show today, he had Shel and I in tears a couple times we were laughing so hard. A few of the things I can remember....
While changing from his uniform to civilian clothes in the car in the terminal parking garage Colin says, "Daddy why you change your clothes? You make pee pee on them?" LOL I guess he is so used to that being the reason he gets his clothes changed he assumed Daddy had the same problem.
While driving home we saw a German fighter plane practicing in the sky and Shelby pointed it out to Colin by saying "Colin look at the airplane." To which Colin replied, "NOT airplane Daddy, it's a jet!" LOL Who is the air traffic controller in the family? I'm not sure anymore.
Colin insisted Daddy jump on his trampoline (which is a small one in the living room. Yes I keep a trampoline in my living room, hush.) while Colin and I sat on the couch watching him. When Shelby would stop Colin would demand him to jump more. I pointed out Daddy better watch his head on the ceiling and so when Colin wasn't looking Shelby banged on the ceiling with his hand and pretended he hit his head. Little mother hen Colin ran to him asking if he was ok and then said "wait right here" and ran off to the kitchen. I knew immediately what he was going for, the soft buckwheat pack I keep chilled in the freezer for all Colin's bumps and bangs. When Colin couldn't reach that high into the freezer, he settled on something he could reach in the fridge. He came running back to the living room with a bottle of mustard and insisted Shelby put it on his head to help his owie! I about peed on myself I laughed so hard and then Colin demanded I go get the ice pack for him. Hysterical.
For dinner we ate salmon, crab legs and some noodles. Colin didn't want noodles when I put them on his plate, but I told him Kung Fu Panda loves noodles and he should try them so he can be a dragon warrior too. I guess making him think about Chinese food reminded him of chopsticks. He reached to the middle of the table and grabbed the nutcracker/crab cracker and proceeded to eat his entire plate of food using the cracker as chopsticks. Nut job!
I know there were other hilarious things today, the kid literally did not stop talking to Shelby all day. He told him over and over he loved him and missed him, so sweet. Now it's time to relax and enjoy Daddy being home.
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