Thursday, December 22, 2011

Snow Fun!

Snow Fun

Lots of fresh snow calls for lots of fun playing in it. We went out in it Wednesday night and built a snowman (there were an army of snowmen outside our room in the open area, kids had been out there all day!), rolled around and threw snowballs at each other. Colin was in heaven! Thursday after breakfast we bundled up and headed over to the ski slopes to sled. Colin has been talking about sledding pretty much since the snow melted off last spring. Today when we got to the hill to sled all Colin wanted to do was make and throw snowballs. Of course. We were there for over and hour and everyone was sledding but Colin. We played in the snow, tossed Colin in and watched him sink. Then as we all went down the hill one last time and started walking to leave guess who wanted to sled? Yep. Lucky for Colin Grandma was here to spoil him and put up with his games. She took him down on the sled twice more before we ended up leaving.

After sledding we drove over to the ice rink in Garmisch for public skating time to take Colin skating. He has been DYING to go ice skating every market we go to and he sees people ice skating. At the markets the rink is usually small and super crowded and sometimes a little wet. Not good for Colin trying to learn on, so we'd been promising him when we went on vacation he would get to ice skate. He was super excited and I was super nervous. I haven't ice skated in a good while and I've only done it a handful of times anyway. It was much harder than he thought and he got quite the surprise when he stepped onto the ice and realized you couldn't just jump on and go. He got scared then and didn't want to go, wanted to hold our hands and refused to push the little learner bear thing on his own. Once Shelby and I got the hang of skating again pulling Colin around was not so bad. He learned how to keep his balance and at least stand upright while Shelby had one hand and I had the other. We got to going at a pretty decent speed around the rink and he thought that was a blast. When we were all done he said he liked it and would want to come again...we'll see what happens with that!

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