Sunday, May 26, 2013

Little Bit O Culture

After about 8 months of waiting on a transmission to ship from the States and be installed, the Jeep is finally home and running again. Shelby spent two days cleaning it up and getting it ready, so today we took it out for a ride to go up to the top of the volcano. The weather here on our side of the island was cloudy with a slight mist, but the weather on the other side of the island was windy, rainy and awful! We got to the top of the volcano but couldn't see anything so we drove back down and took the scenic route home. On the way back we passed a field with a very young calf and I had to take a picture of the sweet baby. 

He was in a field full of calves that were all fairly young.

Then we got stuck in a traffic jam as a parade of people exited a church from mass. Today is the last weekend of the Holy Spirit Festival here on the island, so the people will walk together from the church to the Spirit House.
They carry a special flag for the celebration as well as special staffs and crowns. A marching band follows and plays music all the way.

Here they are turning to the Spirit House, which is decorated with flags for the event. 

More of the Spirit House and parade falling in place to start the celebration.

We were amused that while we were taking pictures of their event as we drove passed people standing outside were pulling out cell phones and cameras to take pictures of our Jeep. LOL

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