Friday, November 26, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

I have been wrestling with what to do about Christmas decorations this year. Usually we go all out, but this year I'm not feeling it. For one, we are leaving for the Alps on Dec 18th and will be gone until just before Christmas. That takes a good week out of "enjoyment time" for the decorations since we won't be here. Then there is this whole deployment thing. I am a little stressed and a lot bummed about him leaving and now that it's coming down to the last few weeks before he has to go I'm just not feeling all that festive. Then there is the work factor, he'll be here to help me drag it all out and set it up, but it is a good possibility that I will be packing it all up and cramming it back into the attic solo. With a two year old glued to my butt trying to "help". Speaking of two year olds...that brings me to reason number 542 why decorating this year is a bad idea. I share my home with a tornado of destruction curious and active little angel who will be certain that each and every ornament on the tree is a plaything for his unending entertainment purposes. Last year you might remember the fortification wall we had to build around the tree to keep Colin out...
From The Way I See It

Yea, as you can see that went over real well. This year he would laugh as he effortlessly sailed right over it. Decisions. Decisions.

So today, when we were in Hornbach (German equivalent to Home Depot) browsing the Christmas section, Colin saw a life-size Santa standing there and ran to it yelling "clown! clown!" At this point it occurred to me that not decorating was not an option as my poor child believes Santa Claus is a clown! I might be cursing my decision later (most likely as I am hauling 6 totes full of Christmas junk up a rickety 1920's wooden ladder to the attic) but I just couldn't do it. Christmas has arrived in the Goetzman house, inside anyway. The tree is up and sparingly decorated with cheap plastic IKEA ornaments and silver bows. It's not overwhelmingly beautiful but it will have to do.

Now I most likely will have the opportunity to teach Colin not only about Santa Claus, but also about the Easter Bunny! As soon as I am not watching I can guarantee the ornaments are coming off the tree and after he tastes it and makes sure it's not food then he's going to start hiding them places. Like in the fish tank, the rabbit cage, his little potty, inside toys with know, places all Moms love to find surprises. So we can get a little lesson on the Easter Bunny and hunting stuff down as we gather up the ornaments and then I'll get to explain all about how Santa will be leaving sticks and rocks on Christmas morning if he doesn't stop touching the tree! On second thought, my kid is pretty fond of sticks and rocks, think Santa will still leave me presents if I lie to the boy and tell him Santa will leave him poop instead? Oh wait...we celebrate poop in this house too at the moment. Shit. I guess this Santa thing gives me no bargaining leverage whatsoever this year. Oh joy!

1 comment:

  1. I think your tree came out just great.

    ~Ladyinwaiting from FT boards
