Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The last thing anyone wants to hear on the baby monitor at 1:30 am is "uh oh, Mommy come look!" I came and looked and found puke all over the bed and the kid. I got it all cleaned up, new sheets on the bed, Colin cleaned up and pj's changed, and I was just about to tuck him back into bed when.....yep, puke again. Fantastic! That kicked off the barfing marathon and the poor little guy was throwing up or dry heaving every 20-30 minutes from 1:30am until 9:30am. He got to the point where he would feel he was about to be sick and just start crying and saying "no want it, no want it!" I felt so horrible for him. He couldn't get his tummy to settle, but at least he was attempting to drink some Pedialyte for me in between pukes.

My computer with all the movies on it has been in the shop for over a week so I am limited to what I actually have on DVD here at the house, and that isn't a whole lot when it comes to kid movies. There are 10-15 in the drawer and we've seen all those in the last week while the computer has been out. We watched three movies before the sun even came up this morning, and if I was going to make it through this day on three hours sleep I was not going to be watching the same movies over and over.

I called a friend who ran over a basket full of DVDs for us to watch and some medicine called Vomex you can get from the German pharmacy here over the counter. It is supposed to ease nausea. I waited for Colin to throw up and then right away gave him the meds hoping that would give it the max absorption time before it got tossed. To my surprise he actually kept it down, along with some drink and fell asleep on the couch for 3.5 hours. YAY! I was right next to him sleeping on the couch trying to take advantage of the opportunity myself. When he woke up he ate a little and drank some, and it all stayed down, but you could tell he wasn't feeling back to normal.

This is the first time he's ever been puke-y sick. I hope we can make it another two and a half years before he gets puke sick again, this sucks! Tonight when I put him to bed he had a 102 fever, so it's not over yet. I will have to call out of work again tomorrow to stay with him. I will be SO ready to go back to work on Friday. I am praying I don't catch it, but it does not look good. Kids have been puking all over the school for the last couple of days, friends I know all have sick kids, Colin's babysitter caught it this morning too and has been trying not to die all day herself. I got the stupid flu shot I was required to get for work, so maybe, just maybe I can sneak out of this one. We shall see....

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