Friday, July 22, 2011

Helping Hands

Since Shelby came home he has been working on a chore chart for Colin. Colin loves getting coin money and we started a little coin bank for him when he gets coins for things. Now he has a way to earn coins and help out. He can clean up his toys, help set the table/clear table, help with trash, help cleaning the house, and feed the rabbit (should Rabbit come home or we get a new one) and the fish. If he does a chore he gets a smiley stick in the pocket and if he does at least three chores a day he gets coins in his jar. So far he's been eager to help and earn sticks, lets hope he keeps it up!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for refresh my mind. I almost forgot what do to with a toddler loll. Colin is a cutie pie, looks very independent and fun to be aroundand for sure he is lucky boy to have you as a Mom ;0)
