Friday, July 1, 2011

Bunny vs Rabbit

Colin asked me if he could bring his rabbit out to play and watch TV with him. I told him sure, but he had to pick up all his toys first so Rabbit didn't eat them. So Colin picked up all his toys and when he was done he let me know and we started preparing for Rabbit to come out. Rabbit used to be very good about staying out from under the couch and then he discovered all the wires under there. Now he sneaks under there when he can and behind the couch there are numerous wires for the router, phone box, power cords, etc... so it is not the place for Rabbit to be. Not to mention it is pretty much impossible to get him out when you want him back in the cage, the sectional is heavy and huge so moving it is not happening. SO before brining Rabbit out we take the pillows off the back of the couch and put them on the floor next to the couch to block the opening so Rabbit cannot get under the couch.

Colin and I are putting down the pillows and in talking to him I referred to Rabbit as a bunny. Colin told me "No, not bunny Mommy, he a rabbit!" You have to imagine it in Colin's voice and replace rabbit with wabbit. I said "A bunny IS a rabbit Colin." "NO HE NOT BUNNY! HE RABBIT!" I tried again, "But a bunny and a rabbit are the same thing." "No they not! His name Rabbit!" Me: "Yes his name is rabbit, he is a rabbit and he is a bunny. A rabbit and a bunny are the same thing." "NOT BUNNY MOMMY, OK, NOT BUNNY, HE RABBIT!" "OK Colin, he's a rabbit." LOL The kid cracks me up!

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