Thursday, June 30, 2011

Potty Training Update

The potty training has been going fairly well. Every now and then Colin has an accident (why is that ALWAYS on my couch?!), but for the most part he is doing very well at home. We had a little test the other day when I was watching the neighbor boy while his mom went to the dentist. I was curious how Colin would do when playing with a friend and stopping to go potty, he did pretty well. Now granted we were in the pool and outside most of the time, and Colin was allowed to pee in the yard, because I didn't want them running into the house all wet and dirty to pee every ten minutes. He is strangely fascinated with peeing outside, I have no idea why. Overall he did fairly well that day though.

He has been doing better on outings as well. He is over his refusal to use public bathrooms, thank God. When we were in the Burger King drive thru and he told me he had to go potty. I told him we had to wait because we were stuck in line. He told me he could go in the grass right outside the car. I explained we ONLY go in the grass at home, in private. He said ok and waited until we got out of line and ran inside BK to pee. I was impressed his Pull Up was dry when we got in there. Later we went to the park. It is a pretty big park on base and there is a big hill there. On one side of the hill are cement steps leading up to two large slides that come down the hill on the side facing the park. On the back side of the hill there is a bunch of woods and trees that the kids have worn good paths down on. Usually the older kids are off playing hide and seek or nerf gun wars back there. Colin often goes up the steps to play on the slide, so when he went up I didn't worry about him. I didn't see him for a few minutes, which also didn't worry me because he usually goes up there, gathers rocks and then rolls them down the slide. So after a few minutes of not seeing him and not seeing any rocks come down the slide chute, I went looking for him. I found him in the woods, pants around his ankles, and covered in poop. You have got to be kidding me! When I asked what he was doing he said "Colin can't poop in my big boy pants!" At least he knew enough not to go in his pants, BUT YOU COULD HAVE ASKED ME TO TAKE YOU TO A TOILET SON! I ran to the car to go get the wipes and a change of clothes. Thank God for Crocs because he had pooped on his shoes and then stepped in it, so I was able to just wipe them down good. I stripped him down and went through about an entire travel case of wipes cleaning him up. While cleaning him off several kids were peeking over the cement wall up at the top of the hill by the slides and giggling like mad at the fact that there was a naked little boy down there covered in poop. Then I hear one of them say "Hey! That's my German teacher! Hi Frau Goetzman!!" Shoot me now! I can only hope they did not go home and share with their parents that they saw their teacher at the park today and her kid was naked and crapping in the woods. Oye. Finally I had him all cleaned off and clothes changed and sent him back to the park to play. What a nightmare...that better be the last time he poops in the woods, at least until he's a Boy Scout!

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