Friday, June 24, 2011

Who needs cable when your life is a comedy show!

I had to run a few errands and one of them was to Hornbach, the German version of Home Depot. This store also has a large pet supply section and they sell fresh water fish, so I usually bribe Colin to behave with a new fish. We picked out our fish, he chose one and I got two others to add to the tank. Colin proudly carried his fish all through the store and while we were waiting in line he entertained me with some acting. We were standing there and out of nowhere he shakes the bag and yells "FISHY WAKE UP!" Then he looks at me laughing at himself and says "like Nemo Mommy!" LOL In case you aren't familiar with Finding Nemo, this happens in the movie. So cute.

We pay and walk out of the store, crossing the road that runs through the parking lot and right as we get to the middle of it Colin trips. He falls flat on his face/belly and lands right on top of the baggy with the fish in it. The bag pops, water runs out, fish is flopping around, Colin is wet and crying hysterically because he thinks he hurt the fish, cars are stopped in the road waiting on us and pretty much anyone within earshot of us is staring. I am trying my best not to die laughing at the situation as I scoop up the poor little fish and show Colin he's still alive while dragging him to the side of the road so the cars can get by. Colin is fine, just traumatized that he traumatized the fish. Thankfully the store worker put our fish in separate bags. When we picked them out and he put them in two different bags I was thinking to myself why they couldn't all three just go in the same bag. Well I was thanking my lucky stars for that coincidence because having two bags meant I could just throw the suffocating fish in with the other two and hurry home. I can only imagine if I hadn't had another bag and had to drag Colin back into the store screaming and crying and while I try to explain in bad German my son busted the bag and we need another bag with more water. So far the fish is still alive and seems to be doing ok. The fun never stops around here, I swear!

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