Monday, September 17, 2012

Soccer Practice

Finally, after waiting what felt like forever after signing him up, Colin was able to start soccer. They only offer very few select sports for kids under 5 and when they do it is more of a skill building thing than an actual team. It's kind of strange to me, but I get the methodology behind it. I think Colin was a little disappointed when he arrived and had to play inside the gym, not on a soccer field, and there wasn't an actual game. Instead they handed out worksheets to parents with the skills on them and the kids rotated between stations practicing the various skills with their parents. I'm trying to be a good sport about it, I really am, but the whole thing kind of annoys me. First of all I do not want to play soccer with my kid at practice. That is what I am paying you to do. If I wanted to teach my own child how to play soccer I would do that at home, for free, at a much more convenient time than the one you chose. Second they actually asked for volunteers for a team mom. Now what exactly is a team mom going to do? There is no team! They don't play real games, and all the moms are busy teaching their kids how to play soccer. The other thing that bugged me was snacks. They want parents to sign up to bring snacks so that each week of the schedule is covered. Snacks?! The practice is one night a week from 6-7 PM. Seriously, most kids have just eaten dinner right before coming to practice and it's only an hour long. No child will starve to death without a snack in an hour. Do we really need to be bringing snacks for everyone? Can't we just play soccer instead? OK I'm done. I will shut up now. Colin enjoys it, and that is all that matters. He's having fun and I will teach him how to play soccer right in the middle of Monday night dinner time, even though I payed good money for him to learn from the youth center, and I'll also make the cutest damn Pinterest snack I can find. Because he loves soccer and he thinks it's fantastic. So anyway, here are some pictures of Colin enjoying his first night of soccer practice.

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