Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween Party

The community center on base had a kids Halloween party today with games, candy and a costume contest. It was the first time Colin got to wear his whole costume all completed. Weeks ago when I started thinking about Halloween costumes (because shipping to this island takes forever and a day) I asked Colin what he wanted to be. Right away he said "The Lorax!" It wasn't a surprise to me because he is slightly obsessed with the movie right now. He loves watching it and sings the songs from the movie ALL. THE. TIME. This song in particular sticks in your head for days on end and drives you to the brink of madness. You're welcome! :)

Anyway, so Colin wants to be The Lorax. I google and scour the internet looking for a costume and can you believe that there are none out there to buy? ZIP. ZILCH. NADA! I broke the bad news to Colin that there weren't any Lorax costumes out there and showed him all kinds of other choices like Iron Man, Hulk, pirates, aliens, you name it. He wasn't biting. He's no dummy and he told me we could make a Lorax costume. I said yes that was possible, but Mommy can't sew to save her life and he better call Grandma and beg if he thought we could make one. Grandma did come to the rescue and found perfect orange fabric and the pattern I thought would work and quickly pulled it together. I ordered a bunch of things online to complete the ensemble and we had a Lorax!

Shelby thought if Colin was going as The Lorax that he could dress up as The Once Ler and I was able to order all the pieces and parts for that costume with new sewing required. I did have to give a haircut to a rock star wig in order to make it all work out for him, that was fun! The boys got all dressed up and ready and off we went to the party. Colin got shy when he got there and a bit moody. I am not sure if it was his costume, seeing the other kids in costume, or the lack of a nap, but he wasn't nearly as interested in being there once we actually arrived.
He played each of the games and was ready to leave, so we indulged him and came back home. It was kind of warm in the community center and his costume is pretty warm too, so he had to be hot under there. Shel & I were amazed how many people did not know who he and Colin were supposed to be. I thought The Lorax was a pretty popular movie! He was so stinkin cute though!

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