Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree...

I'm usually a staunch supporter of giving Thanksgiving it's time and holding off on the decorations until the start of Advent or at least the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This year we decorated early. It was strange, I totally have conflicting feelings on it. I still have some Thanksgiving and fall decorations out in the yard among the Christmas lights. It's weird. But this year is a different one, so we have to celebrate and decorate differently too. Since I have to head to Germany before Christmas to get ready to have the baby we wanted to get stuff up and done before I slowed down too much to do it, and so that I had a little time to enjoy it before leaving. The tree looks a lot different this year because it only has about half the usual ornaments on it. I won't be here when it's time to take the tree down and pack stuff up, so to make it easier on Shelby I only put up the ornaments that have their own special box with a picture on it. That way he and Colin and do it together and get everything back in the right place. The tree definitely looks bare to me, but Colin doesn't seem to mind and it's better than no tree for sure!

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