Friday, November 29, 2013

Thankful Tree

Colin and I worked on a thankful tree this year. The idea was to have him write something he is thankful for each day on a leaf and add it to the tree. I'm a realist so I knew if we wound up with half as many leaves on the tree as there are days in November then we did good. It's hard for a 5 year old to come up with that many things he's thankful for. It's also hard to convince said 5 year old to write on a leaf in addition to doing his homework each day. And lastly, these days it's hard enough for Mommy to remember to take her prenatal vitamins and feed the dog every day, so you can forget about remembering to do arts and crafts! 
So here is our tree, I think he did great!

Here is a close up of some of the leaves. He is thankful for his friends, nerf gun wars, gymnastics, football, toys and parties. I know, it looks like panties, but it is supposed to be parties, as in birthday parties (he went to one the day he wrote that leaf). It was a sloppy r on his part but it made me laugh and it still does each time I look at the tree, which is why I didn't have the heart to make him correct it. Other things on the tree are mom & dad, family, Awana, school, the world, Cooper and his baby brother. As sweet as the world and his baby brother were, panties is still my favorite leaf!

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