Saturday, December 20, 2014

Gingerbread House Construction

In the past I have always bought the gingerbread houses that were already put together. Well K-Mart didn't have that kind and I had to construct the house before Colin could decorate it. We get home from the store, I get Caleb down for a nap and Colin and I get to work. First of all, whoever invented gingerbread houses probably didn't have children. I'm not sure why this person thought icing, of all things, was the preferred method of keeping the house together. Sides were falling and the house closely resembled the Tower of Pisa when I read the part of the instructions that said once constructed it was best to let it set and harden 3-4 hours before decorating. Yea right. You tell that to my impatient six year old who is already about over this whole building the gingerbread house thing anyway. All he wanted to do was eat the candy and decorate it in the first place, I don't think he knew he was signing up to actually BUILD a house. It took all of 10 minutes for me to decide that the hot glue gun was a much better weapon of choice. Colin was fully on board with that idea because he didn't want to wait for it to set up. Who actually eats a gingerbread house after it's been sitting out on display for a week or two anyway? What's so wrong with throwing a little super glue in that kit and making everyone's life easier? It took longer for the glue gun to warm up than it did for the whole house to be built! Then Colin got to decorating. He did all the design and anything that icing was not intended to hold up, well the glue gun was ready!

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