Monday, December 1, 2014

It's the Harlem Globetrotters!

I was so excited when I heard the Harlem Globetrotters were coming to our base on their tour, I knew Colin would go nuts! Then I realized that the show fell on a Monday, which is Cub Scout night. I decided that Colin would just have to miss scouts because he would so love this show. Then I remembered that one of the achievements the boys are supposed to do is attend a sporting event, and they have actually had a hard time scheduling something to accomplish this badge since we have no pro or semi pro leagues for any kind of sport here. As Gru would say...."light bulb!" I called Shelby who happened to be at a cub scout meeting and told him he should talk to the scoutmaster about the boys attending this function together as a group. Then they decided they should just talk to the commander in charge of the squadron that handles these events and see if we could get reserved seating for the scouts and their families. BAM! Done! Mwuahahahaha! My plan was a success! We did not have to wait in any line to see the Globetrotters, the boys had front row seats to the show and had a meet and greet with the players after the game. I was hoping Flight Time and Big Easy (from Amazing Race) would be here, but they were not on this stop. :(  Unfortunately I never got to meet the players after the show. About 45 minutes before the end of the show Caleb threw up all over Shelby. He's not a puker, but I kind of chuckled that he did it right after I gave him to Shelby when I had been holding him the whole time. Shel had another shirt on the car so I cleaned up Caleb and wondered what the heck made him throw up while Shelby ran out to change. I soon realized laughing at Shelby was not the smartest thing to do, karma put my butt right back in its place when he threw up all over me about 20 minutes later! I was not so fortunate as to have another shirt in the car and I had to drive home covered in puke and stinking up the van. No player meet and greet for me! LOL Here are the pictures we got of the kiddos.
Caleb before he puked everywhere.

 Doing the YMCA with players.

Shelby working clean up!

The scouts and players.

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