Saturday, March 6, 2010

Penicillin and parrots

Yesterday morning I woke up fine, tired...but healthy. After lunch I started noticing my throat was a little sore. By dinner time it hurt like hell. By bedtime I felt like I'd been trampled by elephants and swallowing hurt worse than child birth. I did not sleep all night and luckily Shelby was on a mid shift. He didn't get any sleep at the tower either, but at least this way he can't blame me for it :) By the time morning rolled around I really just wanted to die, I haven't been this sick in a long time. Thank God Colin slept until 9:30 this morning and was content to eat his breakfast and watch a movie as I lay on the couch to die.

I prayed all night for the snow storm to be bad enough for the powers on base to close Chilis and get me out of work the easy way. We did get about 4" of snow, but they did not close Chilis and I was not off the hook. Damn it. I only work one day a month to stay on payroll and calling in sick on the only day I have to work all month makes me feel like a total lame-o slacker. There was no way in hell I could have worked though.

Finally about noon Shelby woke up and was ready to drive me to the ER. That's how sick I am, I couldn't even drive! Yuck. They swabbed my throat and said it was strep. Of course it was, three kids in my class were out with it this week! Germ-y little shits darlings. A penicillin shot, a bandaid for my butt and I was on my way home. I can't believe I have strep throat. Adults aren't supposed to get strep. I always get the wacked out the time I had scarlet fever. Only dehydrated children from the ancient computer game Oregon Trail get scarlet fever!

Colin was pretty upset that he was banned from snuggling with mommy on the couch when we got home. Shelby kept trying to tell him I was sick, but I don't think Colin understood his SARS and swine flu jokes. Clearly he doesn't know just how contagious strep is and that he's a few days the joke's on you!

I'm finally feeling a teeny bit alive and less miserable this evening. I don't know if the antibiotic is already kicking in, or if the chicken soup Shelby made from scratch for dinner helped. But something seems to be working.

Colin has learned a new word in the last day or two. He now says "Sheeeeeeellllllll" nonstop. He knows it means daddy and he doesn't just say it, he yells it. All. The. Time. He thinks it's funny because Shelby will reply back "Colin". I can't imagine where he learned that from :) He says it just like I do when I'm yelling for Shel from another room. Shelby pointed out that he picked that one up pretty fast and so I should probably drop a few choice words from my vocabulary now that we have a little parrot on our hands. Shit. (hey the kid can't read, yet)

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