Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mr. Demanding

Here is video of Shel and Colin playing the other day. Colin was crawling on top of Shel and then Shel would toss him up in the air a couple times and then eventually throw him onto the couch. Colin loves it. Here you see Shelby set Colin down and Colin whine about it, then when Shel tries to get up Mr. Demanding orders him to "lay down" and then Colin asks for "seebop" which is how he says bouncy. He uses his word seebop for anything related to bouncing, such as jumping on the bed, being bounced on the couch, playing in a jumpy castle. When he was little we would bounce him on the bed or couch and say "bouncy bouncy bouncy" and I guess that's where he got it from, he just says it backwards.

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