Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Last days of vacation

Garmisch Vacation III

Tuesday was kind of a laid back, family day. We took our time getting ready and did a little sightseeing in Oberammagau and tossed around the idea of getting a cuckoo clock. We decided against it because they are made in the Black Forest, which is one place we've yet to visit, so we thought we should go down there and see what they have where they are actually made and then decide where to buy one. After that we headed back to the hotel for some lunch. We ended up eating at the buffet in the hotel and Colin got reacquainted with Jello. We don't eat it at the house all that much, but apparently I need to make it more often, lol.

The next day, our last full day of vacation, was a busy one. We got up and played in the snow outside with Colin. More snowball fights and playground time, we also noticed that since it had warmed up a little bit that day the light, powdery snow that had fallen a few days before had now become wet and heavy, just right for building a snowman. I was very excited about this because in all my 30 years I have never actually built a real snowman! I know, I know! You have to remember I'm a Florida girl, I was in my teens before I ever even saw snow. The one time I did see enough snow to make anything out of, well it was the wrong kind of snow for snowman construction, so instead my family and I had to settle for a snow-turtle. So I was pretty excited to make a big, tall, proper snowman! He turned out to be a little fruity though due to lack of supplies in our hotel room. We gave him an orange peel smile and buttons made out of grapes, I'm sure the birds appreciated it after we were gone.

That afternoon we had a sitter come watch Colin again so we could go do some "adult sledding." The plan was to buy a lift ticket on the ski lift and sled down the mountain, we'd seen other people doing it while we were on the kiddie hill with Colin all week long. When we got there to buy a ticket I asked the lady if they had a sled ticket rate or what the deal was if I just wanted to sled down. She explained to me that she can't refuse to sell me a ticket, but that the slopes were pretty icy that day and they'd already had a few skiers get hurt, so she did not recommend sledding at all. She then told me I was free to decide what I wanted to do, but I wouldn't want to end up like that guy, as she points to a guy on a stretcher a few meters away being loaded into an ambulance. Ooops. Needless to say we didn't sled down the hill, though the very tempting thought of giving it a try in hopes of Shelby "accidentally" breaking an arm or something and not being able to deploy did cross both our minds. Just kidding. Not totally. LOL So instead we paid for a sightseeing ticket to just ride the lift up and wander around up there and take a look. It was beautiful up there and I had no idea how much more there was to do up on top. There were several more chair lifts once you got up there taking you to different trails and areas, it really made us want to ski! Next winter for sure!!

We got back to the hotel just before dinner time and headed over to Colan's one last time. Shelby ordered an octopus steak that was incredible and made me wish I had ordered it too. So tender and sautéed in butter and garlic and served over marinated peppers...mmmm! I ordered a beef dish with red wine sauce and this heavenly layered potato gratin type thing with cheese and a thin pastry crust between the layers. I was glad we ordered Colin his own kids schnitzel because neither one of us wanted to share our meal with him. The sweet owners also sent us home with a small loaf of homemade nut rumcake for Christmas, yea that didn't even come close to lasting until Christmas. Love that place! Once we got back to the hotel it was time to pack up and get ready for check out in the morning. We tried one last attempt at getting some good Christmas pictures of Colin, I even let him wear his PJs this time, but apparently comfort wasn't going to coax him to cooperate either. I guess we just have to settle for "I'm two and you know it" style Christmas pictures this year. Another fabulous time in Garmisch must come to an end. Next vacation here planned for next Christmas, until then we'll try to think of ways to get stationed and retire here.

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