Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So long tonsils!

Today was surgery day! Colin was very excited because at his pre-op appointments yesterday we showed him the very cool "special bed" he'd get to sleep and ride around in. I was doing just fine until the pre-op stuff when I had to sign the consent forms and all the horrible "what if" scenarios are listed on there. Then I started getting nervous about him and seeing him in pain and all that. My back and neck were in knots and I barely slept. I was almost relieved when the alarm went off at 4:45 so we could get up and get this show on the road.

We were given a report time of 6:15 AM and told they took kids back by age with the youngest first. I was also told that Colin was second in the line. Clearly they were mistaken or plans changed between yesterday and today, because we got there and waited, and waited, and waited. Patient after patient was rolled on down to the OR and we sat. Thankfully Colin was not grumpy about no food or drink, or I would have had to turn on mean mama bear mode and start growling. They finally came in and gave some Versed to relax him. (I was wondering where mine was!) He quickly started acting like a drunk and was stumbling around, slurring speech, and laughing at nothing at all. He even had the hiccups, it was pretty funny. Just about 9 they finally came to take him to the OR and with that they took my baby and told me they'd take good care of him.

About an hour later they came to get us from the waiting area and told us that he was not yet awake, but he did great and the tonsils and adenoids are gone. He took a little bit to wake up, and was a tiny bit grumpy when he did come out of it. He was highly pissed off about the pulse ox monitor on his finger and the IV in his arm. He wanted both out NOW. We soon distracted him with a popsicle, which he killed in record time and asked for another. After he ate his popsicle and kept it down they transferred him from the recovery area to the pediatric unit. Right before he was about to get his big ride in the special bed he fell asleep again! LOL Poor kiddo waited all that time and went though surgery to ride in the bed and then missed the ride! He woke up after arriving in the peds unit and ate another popsicle. After keeping down three popsicles we moved on to jello and he ate a few of those. Clearly the child is feeling just fine! Now with his belly full he got some pain medication, took a little nap and rested up.

When he woke up about 2:30ish and was WIDE awake. He played games on the computer, played dinosaurs in the bed, beat Mommy in Memory a time or two and then wanted to walk the hallway. He visited the nurses station and stole a stethoscope to bring back to the the room and play doctor on Mommy and Daddy. Then he discovered that race cars can fly really far and fast down the slick hospital hallway. I'm sure the other patients really appreciated Nascar outside their rooms. He was bored with TV pretty quick and wanted out of his room and was asking to go to the playground. Yep, the kiddo is just fine.

Here he is after far too many popsicles, jello and juice, his teeth and mouth might be stained for more than a few days!

He tye dyed his own shirt with popsicle drippings

More Jello with Mommy!

He had some pain medication at 4:30 PM, Tylenol with codiene, and I thought maybe we'd get another nap and a little break. Ha! Who was I kidding?! The medication did not make him tired one bit and he was awake and ready to go until 9 PM when he finally crashed for the night. He refused to take the pain meds just before 9, and again at 11, and 1 AM and slept like a log all night long. So apparently he wasn't too uncomfortable. He did take the meds at 5 AM and then was up and at em again and asking for breakfast. Mommy was not so much up and at em and was very ready for Daddy to get back to the hospital (lucky Daddy went home and got some real sleep!) with my coffee. Now we wait for the doc to make rounds so that we can hopefully get Colin discharged (I can't imagine them keeping him, he seems fine!) and get out of here. My little man is such a trooper! Love that kid!

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