Saturday, October 22, 2011

Take that shot and stick it

Tonight is my LAST shot for a while and I couldn't be happier! It's no secret we've started the IVF process again, the second time around I'm a lot less nervous and more comfortable sharing the process and journey than I was the first time. Things in Germany are a bit different from cycling in the States, but overall I'm liking the German approach to treatment better (much less invasive and not nearly as many shots). The hormones (aka ass fattening drugs) haven't been too horrible this time around. One of my shot meds my body really hates though and it burns like acid everytime Shel shoots it into my stomach. That one sucks.

I have had headaches a lot and the other day I had the worst headache I've ever had in my entire life. I don't really get migraine headaches and thank God for that, because what I suffered through that day with one was enough to make me never want to deal with that again. Of course I was working. I no more ran back to my classroom after dropping my class off at lunch before the pain made me nauseous and I puked. I threw up a few more times before the class came back and thankfully one of my friends came upstairs to get a jacket for her son (who is in my class) and saw I was dying. She volunteered to take my kids in her PE class for the rest of the day since all our substitute teachers were booked that day so I could go home. I am not sure how I made it home, I didn't even make it off base before I was puking into plastic bags in my car. I spent the rest of the day in bed and I have a whole new respect for people who suffer from regular migraines....that crap sucks!!

I'm SO glad to be done playing pin cushion. I have pictures of the bruises on my stomach from all the battle scars...but I'll spare you that lovely sight. :) Monday morning I go in for surgery so they can harvest my eggs and then later in the week I'll go back and have embryos transferred back to me. Sounds a little more like Farmville than real life; currently I have to have my eggs harvested, then I'll become an incubator and later on turn into a milk cow (hopefully!) Since we had success the first time around last IVF, I'm overly optimistic about this cycle and I'm not really prepared for anything other than two pink lines in two weeks. Right now I'm just glad to have this first (painful) step behind us and we are looking forward to moving on in the process. Cross your fingers for us :)

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