Monday, March 12, 2012

The things this kid says...

Colin has been hilarious lately. He went to the the dentist today for a check up and the dentist said his teeth look great. He was impressed with how we brush and that Colin can use flouride rinse and spit it out. He said his two front teeth (the ones he almost knocked out at school last month) look ok and are still a little wiggly but should be just fine. After the dentist we went to the commissary to do some grocery shopping. A lady with a loaded up cart passed by us and her jumbo pack of toilet paper fell out from underneath her cart as she went by. I stopped her and picked up the toilet paper for her and Colin says "Hey lady, why you got a lot of toilet paper? You have a lot of poop?" She just smiled and laughed and I hung my head in shame as I sped down the aisle before he could say anymore.

This afternoon Shelby is out in the back yard with Colin putting some salmon on the grill and from inside the house I hear Colin screaming and having a royal fit. He didn't really sound hurt, so I thought maybe he had gotten in trouble and Shelby had told him to go in time out or something. So I go downstairs to see what the trouble is and Shelby explains that Colin was inside the clubhouse part of his swingset when he saw a spider web on the ceiling, freaked out, squeezed himself into the corner of the playhouse and got all hysterical like a little girl! LOL There was not even a spider in the web, which by the looks of it, had been there a LONG time. I blame it on the fact that he is the only boy at preschool and is around girls all day long. The boy was deathly afraid of that pathetic spider web and Shelby and I spent ten minutes laughing at him and forcing him to go knock it down with a screwdriver. He stalled and had an absolute fit and you'd have thought we were trying to get him to touch a hot burner or something, he didn't want to get back inside the house and we really had to force him to knock down the web (we're so mean!) and see it wouldn't hurt him. It was quite the scene and to think I heard him screaming about it all the way inside the house! LOL Crazy child!

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