Saturday, November 17, 2012

Oh my...

I knew I'd been slacking in the blog department lately, but it wasn't until I came here to check in that I realized Halloween was the last time I'd posted anything! Good heavens! Sorry about that. I have added a few updates now. If it makes you feel any better there really has not been too much excitement going on around here. I honestly do not even know where half of November has went, this is a bit crazy and scary! I've over committed myself yet again and I'm trying to do things I don't need to be worrying about, but that's me.

I picked up a new class on November 1st that I strongly dislike. It is boring, the professor is an idiot, the material is somewhat relevant and useful to me but the assignments they are asking for are horrid. So far we are three weeks in and I still have a 100% average, so that is good. I did get my week 1 paper back and in the comments from my professor (and I'm using the term loosely) said "As you think about upcoming assignments, please make sure that you limit your paragraphs to three to five sentences. Some of your paragraphs were too lengthy." THREE TO FIVE SENTENCE PARAGRAPHS?! Have I left college and moved back to elementary school? Last I checked, in college we transition to a new paragraph when a new idea or topic is being introduced, but whatever...if this ding dong wants three to five sentence paragraphs I will give them to her. I can't be done with this stupid class fast enough!

I was sick the first week of November and finally got over that crud and then had to play catch up. On top of having to catch up, I am trying to work ahead on school work to prepare for our upcoming trip to the States. Shelby is also taking classes, but unlike me he is a procrastinator and not nearly the overachiever. He puts everything off until the last minute and his lame professor actually granted him an extension on his final exam and last paper. He is currently nagging me to write his paper for him, he must have lost his mind! We also sponsored in a new family that just moved here from Germany and arrived last Sunday. We had to pick them up at the airport and show them around and help them get settled, which took up some time this week.

Thanksgiving is coming up this week and we are hosting some friends and looking forward to that. Shelby's new turkey fryer arrived just in time, Hurricane Sandy delayed our mail quite a bit and we were not sure it would get here. Shelby is extremely happy he will get his fried turkey this year. I will try to do better and keep up with the blogging! I honestly don't even have any pictures really to use for Wordless Wednesdays, I guess I've got to do better in the photo department too!

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