Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pink Tie Gala

There is a large annual fundraiser for cancer awareness here at the base called The Pink Tie Gala. It is a formal event with a silent auction, a live auction, dinner, and a lot of fun. Shelby was working, so a coworker/friend of ours invited me to go along with her. My dress turned out great and I did a surprisingly nice job on my hair. Colin was so funny when I got all dressed up and asked me where I was going and I told him to the ball. He replied "well I've never been to a ball." I told him they are for grown ups and he said "ok when I grow up I'll go to a ball and I'll wear a bow tie because I'll be in love." LOL Apparently you have to be in love to wear bow ties in Colin's world!

I went to the gala, was feeling fine, and having a blast. I ate my salad and the main course had just been brought to our table when I started feeling dizzy and hot. I decided maybe some fresh air outside of the ballroom would cool me down and so I got up to walk out. I made it about 10 feet out the ballroom doors and I was making my way down four steps leading to the hallway when I suddenly got sick. There was no warning, no strange feeling in my stomach or my throat like I usually get before I puke. It just happened, in front of people, all over the floor. I managed to keep it off my dress, thank God! I rushed to the bathroom where I made it as far as the sink before another wave of nausea hit me. I seriously wished I could have just flushed myself down the toilet and disappeared! I went back to the table and told my friends I was sick and had to go, and hurried home before the next vomit attack struck. Thankfully it is less than a five minute drive from the base to my house! I went next door to pick up Colin and he was less than thrilled to see me back so soon. I had told him he'd be staying up really late and having fun at his friend's house, so much for that! He was so sweet and concerned when we got home and as I sat on the steps to take my heels off he rubbed my back and told me "Don't be sad Mommy, there will be another ball. When I grow up I can take you." Sweetest kid ever, love that boy! I tucked him in, took some good German anti nausea drugs and passed out for pretty much the next 24 hours. The nausea passed by Monday, but it took a solid week before I felt normal, right and back to myself again. I wonder if they'll let me buy a ticket to next year's Gala? I know my friends are never going to take me anywhere again! LOL

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