Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Korea Take Two!

Colin and I arrived safe and sound in Korea on March 17th. I was worried about how he would do on the flight being that he's so awake and active now, not at all the snuggly little man I brought here the last time. He did AWESOME! I couldn't have asked for a happier child. We had to drive to Jacksonville, then fly to Atlanta, then had a layover in Atlanta, then made the 15 hour flight to Korea and then once we navigated immigration and customs had a 2 hour bus ride to Osan. It was over 24 hours of travel time and this little angel of mine never cried once! I had two different flight attendents tell me separately that he was the best baby they have had on a flight in a very long time. I can only hope he's as nice to me on the return flight! We'll be spending a month here this time and hope to do some fun stuff around the exercise and Shelby's work schedule.

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