Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cherry Blossoms!

Eunpa Park Spring

Much like the fall leaves changing colors, you can't pinpoint the exact time that the cherry trees will bloom out each spring. It's sometime in mid April usually and again, like the fall leaves, it peaks and then it's gone all within a matter of days. I've been dying watching the buds on the trees all over base and in Gunsan hoping that they would bloom before I had to leave. We had been down to Eunpa Park, which is well known for the hundreds of cherry trees that line the street and park, last weekend and they weren't blooming yet. Thursday was my last night to see them in Gunsan since we would be heading to Seoul on Friday morning.

When we got down there the trees were in full bloom and it was AWESOME! The pink and white blooms on the trees covered the street and lined the path along the lake. I've always wanted to see the cherry blossoms in Washington D.C. but this was definitely much better! I took a ton of pictures and the park was packed with other people enjoying the flowers. We walked up and down the park in the daylight and then went up to eat dinner at my favorite Chinese restaurant from the last time I was here. We order this meal intended for 3-4 people that includes about 6 different meat dishes plus some rice, yaki, and eggrolls. We just graze like cows on it and get way too full because everything is delicious!

After the dinner we went back to the park because it was dark out and Eunpa Park has some great lights after dark. The bridge is lit up with lights that change colors and all the trees lining the road are also lit up with colored lights and the cherry blooms reflect the light and it is beautiful. I am so glad I got to see it before I had to leave, it was absolutely something not to miss.

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