Monday, April 20, 2009

Eight Months Old!

Colin 8 Months

We now have four teeth, two up top and two on the bottom. Two more uppers are on their way. We've started finger foods but he isn't really sure what to do with them. We've given him cereal puffs which he likes to throw on the floor and toast sticks which he does eat. I tried some canned mixed veggies the other day but he wasnt so sure what to do with them either. He likes food in the mesh food feeder. He still hates all vegetables from a jar. He's trying to crawl and has a couple times. He gets up on all fours and lunges forward onto his belly and that is about the extent of it. He just hasn't figured it out yet. He babbles all kinds of things and sings along with his toys. We are in size 3 diapers but wear size 4 at night to help ward off leakage. He is still obsessed with cords, cables, strings, straps or anything of that variety. He can spend in hour in my lap if my pants have a drawstring or tie on them. These are his 8 month portraits, I tried to get him up on all fours but he just wasn't having it.

1 comment:

  1. oh my! 8 months already!
    Love his little rolls, he truly like your camera or he knows how to smile. It is wonderful that you are keeping track what is going on during the month. Later you would love to go back and read about and look at him and wanted to be little again.
    please give him a kiss from us!
