Saturday, July 25, 2009

Back from the ER

After trying unsuccessfully yet again to see a pediatrician on base we decided to go to the ER. Stupid Tricare can never get us in on base and wants to keep sending me off base to the same doc who has had the kid on ear drops for the last two weeks that aren't working. We got all registered and the triage nurse told us he would put us in with a fast track doctor...whatever that means but it sounded good to us. After sitting in the waiting room for about 45 minutes and not seeing one single solitary person from the crowd in the waiting room get called back I was a little worried I should have brought a toothbrush and some pjs! Not long after that the door opened and they called our name. As soon as I realized what was happening I quickly hurried through the door to follow the doctor before all the people in the waiting room decided to turn on us for not having to wait. We saw a very nice doctor who, like everyone else in the world, just loved my son. :) She said right ear is still red and left is now infected pretty good. He also has bronchitis on top of it all. With Tylenol and Amoxicillin in hand we left with instructions to follow up with the pediatrician in 10 days when the meds are gone and to ask for a consult to an ear specialist to discuss tubes. Lovely. Colin is happy, he loves Amoxicillin and it must be like candy to him. I bring out the syringe with it and he opens up like a little baby bird. Now if only I could train him to do that with the Tylenol we'd be in business. He must be able to smell the difference from a mile away because getting the Tylenol in him is a whole other ordeal. Thankfully he hasn't acted cranky or fussy with any of this and is still happy as always.


  1. We had to do tubes with Jessica twice and have her adnoids removed. She was happy through it all too-thank goodness for that huh! Praying for you! Hopefully you can find a doc you like soon!

  2. Oh Kris! Hope little Colin gets better soon. Delany and her ears has been a big deal as well. But talking with a Ear dr. we decided not to do it. The reason of Delany ears infecction is for her allegies or pool so allergies shots has been helpful but not to the point to be clear. Talk to your Dr. the goods and the bads before you make the decitions we decided not to do it. I have a friend that her daughter has tubs and she still having ear infections with fever so is not totally sure that he will be free if infections. Good luck and hope Mr.Colin is better by now!
