Monday, July 27, 2009

Colin is 11 months!

Colin 11 Months

I can't believe our little man is so big! He weighed in at 22 lbs and 6 oz at the ER on Friday. He's such a little ham now. Boy does he know what he wants and have mercy on the person that denies him what he wants, he's become the master of meltdowns and we are a whole year shy of the terrible twos. Shel and I both pretty much ignore the tantrums and refuse to give him any attention until he calms down, he should have caught on to this by now but I think he's got his momma's temper and stubbornness.

He is down to three bottles a day now: morning, nap time and bedtime. He eats just about anything in sight and still loves fruit. I havent found a fruit yet this child won't inhale with both hands when I put it in front of him.

He's still pulling up and standing but no steps yet. He babbles and coos and I think he says "da da" pretty regularly but doesn't know what it means. He throws his arms up above his head when you say touchdown, he gives five and he is starting to wave but that one is still a work in progress. He's become quite the little dancer and bounces up and down to songs he likes. The best toys in the world are still the trash and recycle cans in the kitchen and he laughs hysterically when you tell him not to mess with them. He also loves the dog water bowl and makes a beeline for it if he thinks you aren't watching.

One more month of having a baby and then he'll be one and into the toddler years.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he's almost a year old already! Wow! He gets cuter and cuter. I love his little teeth!!
