Sunday, April 4, 2010

Frohe Ostern

Easter Day

Happy Easter...same thing. Shelby worked again so Colin and I slept in some and hung out this morning. We made deviled eggs and strawberry pretzel salad to have with dinner later on and played the rest of the day. It rained off and on so we weren't able to get outside much, which was upsetting for Colin. After dinner the weather had cleared up enough to go outside and finally hunt some eggs, Colin had fun with it. He found all the eggs and was very excited to be out and running around. We didn't do an Easter basket this year because he doesn't understand it anyway and he gets plenty of candy as it is. He has a couple gummi bears and 2-3 M&Ms every day, more when he sneaks into the kitchen, uses his four wheeler as a ladder, and steals a handfull from the candy basket on the island. Sorry the pics are not the greatest, it was almost dark so the lighting was lousy and he refused to look at me...turkey!

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