Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring has sprung

Spring flowers

Every season I say "Oh my God this is the most beautiful season in Germany!" It's just a gorgeous place year round I guess. Spring has finally hit and trees are budding out all over, flowers every where, the birds are singing from sun up to sun down. I love it. There are cherry trees and some other white blooming tree (Dogwood I am thinking) dotting the hillsides all over. It's so pretty to see the green pastures with the light green trees starting to grow in and then little spots of white mixed in there from the other trees. I took some pictures of the blooms in my yard today, I'm so excited to be here to see things come up all over the place this spring. Last year we moved in June 1st and missed a lot of it.

This other album is some random pics of Colin and the bunny enjoying the warm sunshine outside in the yard. Colin loves helping Daddy move the cars. He knows exactly where the keys go and then will turn on the lights and play with the shifter. He had fun today swapping cars around in the driveway and helping us clean out my car.
Colin & the bunny

1 comment:

  1. OK spring has sprung, all is done, Grandma wants her Wordless Wednesday !
