Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 29 Livorno

Today we got up very early to beat the heat as we trekked back to the train station for our three hour train ride back to Livorno to get my car from the Army base, Camp Darby, where it has been parked while we were on the cruise and in Rome. To the grandparents and family who complain about us not visiting the States in the last two years; I encourage you to spend three hours on a train with my child, keeping in mind there is much more room and many more interesting things to see on a train than there are on a plane. When we arrived in Livorno I was more than ready to be off the train, but then it was time to hop a taxi to the base, so more riding. My car never looked so good after having not seen it for so long and relying on public transportation. We got checked into a cabin at the “resort” (so they call it) on Camp Darby to just relax and reorganize for the day. There was a lot of laundry to do and repacking to be done. Colin and Daddy went to the pool to play but the water was pretty cold and Colin seemed worse today in terms of sickness, so they didn’t stay out too long. When I came home from doing laundry Colin was happily playing with bugs and throwing rocks around outside and I could see he was pretty happy with our cabin. So we decided to take another day and stay here since the price is decent, Colin loves the place and the beach is nearby. With that decision made I didn’t have to spend half the night reorganizing and packing so we went out for dinner on the beach and came back to head to bed early. We were in bed before ten and for the first time in over a week I didn’t have to get up early for something the next morning. Aaaaah!

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