Saturday, August 6, 2011

Vacation Day 6: Praha


Again the forecast called for 70% chance of rain and skies were pretty cloudy, so we spent a while in the morning contemplating what to do. I wanted to go to Sedlec Ossuary, aka the bone church, but it was about 2 hours by train from our location and not much else around the church to see. It’s kind of in the middle of nowhere. Then we considered a trip to Karlstejn Hrad castle, but decided against that too. Instead we decided to walk around and take advantage of the little bit of sunshine gracing us. We discovered there was a Hooters in Praha so we had to stop in for lunch and get Colin’s picture taken with the Czech Hooters Girls. It’s tradition. After lunch we walked across the Charles Bridge and back up to the Prague Castle to get some better views of the city in the sunshine. On our way over the bridge Colin spotted a little park with a playground and there was no way we couldn’t stop once he’d seen it. He got some good run time in and made a few friends. The best toys on the playground were the pigeons. Colin went NUTS chasing after them and running from one end of the playground to the other. He even got a couple other little boys his age in on it and they were a sight all charging after the birds. By the time we got up to the castle the clouds were moving back in and it started to rain a little bit. The rain did not last long, thankfully and soon enough the sun was shining again. For dinner we went to a place called Vytopna. The restaurant has a giant model train railroad running all over it and the tracks are built onto every table. Anytime you order drinks your drinks are loaded onto a train car from the bar and the train drives them right on to your table for delivery. Needless to say we ordered a lot of drinks because Colin thought the train coming to his table was the coolest thing ever. We spent as much money on drinks as we did on food and we would later be up half the night to pee! LOL Colin also cracked us up asking our waitress if he could pet her lizard (she had a lizard tattoo on her calf).

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